PT. Hansway Indonesia offers a wide assortment of products to fullfill all the needs of yourship. From wide variety of fresh, frozen and dry provisions, to bonded, cabin, deck and enginesupplies, not to forget medicines and safety equipment, each and every necessity isguaranteed to meet all of the customers expectations. And since 2010, we have established aStrong and Wide network with global partners, allowing us to consistently to be the mainsource for the best products at the most competitive prices. Not to mention the rigorousselection process that each of our suppliers goes through, to ensure that we deliver solelyhigh quality goods which definitely meet the international safety standards.

Ship Chandler for Marine and Shipping Industry

  • Competitive Price
  • Fast Delivery
  • Fast Quotation Response
  • Quality Guarantee
  • Quantity Guarantee
  • Wide Distribution Network